Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mateo on the mind...

Yesterday I had the extreme pleasure of spending the day with my best friend and her son, Mateo! He is almost 6 months old (riiiiiight around the corner) and is quite literally, a big ball of joy! He gurgles, pumps his arms and legs constantly and basically has the art of CHILLing down pat - no pun intended! He IS his mother's son, lemme tell you! We sat eating, talking, laughing and watching TV, and this little guy hung with us... how amazing is he??!! No crying, no squirming, especially on my lap, just the most serene baby I've ever known! (Sorry Gracie, you were CRAZY when you were his age!) He is a chubby bit of happy love and I miss his face already! COME BACK, MATEO!!!!!!!!!!! Love him........

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