Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Turducken!!

It's almost December- the holidays have begun! Thanksgiving was nice, we drove the Passat down (LOVE Becca, she's a dream!) to San Diego, that's right folks, the Dirty Waffle. Made it there AND back on $26 and still had gas to spare at the trip's end. We made the requesite stops for snacks and even found a spot for breakfast burritos the size of a Smart Car. It was about as greasy as the driveway, but that's ok. The drive up was nice, even though we hit a little storm around Irvine, it was all good. After a nice big dinner with all the trimmings and two pieces of pie we headed home- a nice big coffee first, and NO TRAFFIC. Sometimes, I think that the stars line up and good things happen to me!! I put on some music and put my hand in Sam's and thought of all the gifts I have... I'm thankful for my husband, my stepson, my family and very few, but very DEAR friends, my niece and nephew(s; Mateo!!), my health, and all the love I am able to feel now. Thank God I'm together and alive!!!!!!!!!!

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