I have discovered this Finnish (I think?) designer called Diana Orving. The pieces from her latest collection are dark, geometrically cut, and slightly skewed. This sweater is my fave; it looks like the wearer is sporting a dark flower on top. Her collection inspired me to think differently and to consider all. I'm so glad I have browsed the 'net lately and looked around at what people are wearing. I know, I know: fashion is not a necessity, right? Well, I think that it's a necessary as eating! I mean, how AWFUL do you feel when you have nothing at all to wear and end up having to sport those tired ass jeans you forgot about in the bottom of your jean drawer? It's like a black cloud is following you all day, and forget about looking into a mirror at all. You end up looking like shit and feeling like it as well. During the years '04-'07, I had NO interest in fashion. I was newly in love=complacent in fashion and pretty much how I looked in general! You know how real love just makes you feel beautiful, no matter what you have on? I was a true testament to that; I'd go to work wearing baby blue sweats and an old grey t-shirt and feeling like a million bucks! Well, I'm still silly in love, but I've come down off my cloud and am back in reality... and found I was dressed in last year's rags, looking like someone who don't give a damn. I've made a resolution to change that. I've decided that if you like what you are wearing, you actually feel better, have more confidence and people notice! Early this year I went to a REAL salon (my roomate Vanessa's) and got a REAL hair style by a REAL awesome hairdresser (sorry Junko!). I began buying inexpensive pieces at cheap-o stores and in the stalls at the alley downtown (SCORED there). I resumed a long ago hobby: accessorizing! It feels better and now I'm on a roll. By no means am I what you'd call a "well dressed woman" or hardly HIP in any way. But, I do take the time in the morning to look at what I'm pulling out of the dresser and off the couch (we live like animals) to adorn this bod. And while I may not look like I just stepped out of Vogue, I feel a helluva lot better than I did this time last year. I guess it all comes down to how you want the world to view you, and weather or not you care! I dare you: take out those strappy heels from the back of your shoe rack, drag out your peacock duds and take a look-see! My latest addiction is ebay... I warn you: if you are weak in the wallet, DON'T EVEN GO THERE! But really, it's amazing how many second hand (and new) designer pieces you can find there and actually end up owning. I am now the proud owner of a pair of 80's style Versace grey booties with all these cute straps and buckles in gold. Imagine that! I've promised myself this sweater you see posted above... and it doesn't seem so impossible anymore.
I hear ya sister! I need to get back to lookin hot...im single! Please help me!!!
Wanna hear the rest of the story! Hope you got the sweater!!! I am going to take your advice!!!
where you been!!!! love reading your blogs. Guess youre busy, huh? I am gonna ask you again, where is the sweater??? I love it and you would look fabulous in it!!!!
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