Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Real Love

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009

Last weekend, Sam and I were lazing around watching telly and came across this documentary called "This Is The Life". I'm not sure who made it, or where it was shown and how many awards it's won, but I do know that it brought me back to the early 90's and made me feel love for rap music again. Seriously, how long has it been since I spoke those words, "I'll never again go to a rap concert or show"? It's been years, and I had that sentiment because of the awful thing that it's become. I feel that after, say, the 90's were over, so was rap. And, that is sad... but- this documentary made me turn back and see what made me love the music in the first place and reminded me that I can still love THAT music. I feel like my parents, when they used to turn around in the car while the classic rock radio station was blaring, they'd say, "Now this is real music, kids", and we would be in HELL... well folks: THIS is real music!!!!! I'm officially OLD. The new kids of today have no idea where hip hop began and the happy, hopeful and anti-misogynistic feelings that we used to enjoy from listening to lots of the artists that embodied the decade: Pharcyde, Roots, Jeru, and the ones who are showcased in this doc, Freestyle Fellowship. Ok, ok- I know, all 90's rap wasn't all happy-go-lucky, hunky dorey! Sure, life isn't all love and peace, but I think that everyone from my generation can, and will, agree that the general feeling was a good one.
The movie was about The Good Life Cafe out of Mid-City in the early 90's and all the artists that began their careers there and how they influenced the whole of their genre of music forever. All the players are there and they hold nothing back. It's all there: that hunger, the fear, the effort, the success and the lack of. It's a time machine and if you miss the old days, like I do, please go and rent this... or check out your TV Guide to see when it's going to be on next.
I have to admit: I wasn't and am not an expert on any type of music, I only know what I like and that's it...