Hey everyone, if you haven't heard of Antwone Fisher you are either under a rock, behind the stove or in the junk drawer with all the coupons or scissors. (Here I go with my tangents) I have just finished reading "Finding Fish" by Antwone Quentin Fisher-- one of the best biography books I've read in a very long time. He is a boy who was abandoned by both parents and left a ward of the state, ultimately fostered by an evil church lady who ruined his young life. He describes how he dodged insanity with savoring every little bit of kindness he could grab here and there. His story is inspiring and gives one hope with the resilience of his soul. After he turns 18, he winds up in the Navy where the institution molds him into the man he will be. I found myself sad when there were only 10 pages left and put it aside, as I often do when a story is coming to an end, not wanting it to be over. Finally, I picked it up and found that it ended with me smiling- success!!!! Anyone can read this, it's a simple read and I recommend it to early teenagers especially, if anything it teaches that anyone can do anything.
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