Why, oh why is Las Vegas such a place that warrants such a saying? Well, I'll tell you: it's they type of place where you want to LIVE, not just live... you get me? I'm going today at noon, by car (good 'ol Jeff), and will arrive just in time for happy hour. BUT, will it be the same 'ol same 'ol? I haven't been to Vegas in awhile. And the last time, I didn't even feel like partying- will it be any different this time? Has LV lost it's appeal to me? I'm not a gamblin' lady, I don't drink, I rarely go to clubs (ok, never go to clubs) and hardly shop in real stores anymore since I've discovered ebay! I guess that only leaves one thing: EAT! I can discover a whole new Vegas through my belly, can't I? I've heard that Las Vegas is a kind of foodie-paradise, where Wolfgang Puck and Bobby Flay both own restaurants and flex their food muscle. Dare I visit a gourmet place where the menu doesn't show prices? Dare I? Hm, well folks, I'll let you know on Friday-- I mean, I only have one night and half of an afternoon; a short visit and short in the wallet can mean only one splurge. We'll see what that turns out to be.