I know this is late, but... WOW OBAMA-RAMA!!!! Ok, now that that's done, isn't this doll cute? You could get him and pair him up with Barbie or even Ken, who knows? I am listening to a program online called This American Life, episode #296: After The Flood, it's about Hurricane Katrina and all the craziness that happended in New Orleans during that disaster. I am thankful that we have a president in office now that has the ability to think and solve problems... aren't you? I mean, the stories that come first hand from the survivors are INCREDIBLE, some of them make you think that you are actually listening to someone speak of Nazi Germany in the 40's, the way the authorities were treating the good people of that city. I don't want to forget what happened then, and I also don't want to forget that we are still living in a very racist country. The county Sheriff was guarding a bridge that led out of the city (and, unfortunately, into an upscale (white) city- and were actually shooting at civilians trying to walk over that bridge and into land that wasn't flooded and that had electricity. They were shot at. Does that even seem possible? Others were turned away from the Super Dome and the other large facilities (that were miserable anyway) and had no place to go, no water to drink and, well, you all know the deal. I just find it way more awful to hear real life stories of these people... and to know what is actually possible in our country. We often think that we are invincable, un-shakeable, all that. But we aren't... and after mother nature takes over, it's there like we were in any other counrty in this world. USA, not all it's cracked up to be. But, I have hope today... and I gues that's what I'm trying to say right now. That's all.